Turning hobbies into successful, God-honoring businesses!

Turn your passions into products that people are hungry to buy!

I believe the first step to success is deciding that you won't hurt anyone else to get there. You won't compromise God's principles, your family, integrity, or your peace in order to have what you want.

Step 2 is all about setting up your business and home life in a strategic way that gets you off the hamster wheel of to do's and helps you streamline every aspect of your life for maximum results in less time. 

After that, you can grow your business as high as you want because God will bless your honorable business and you have ALL the right pieces in place to fly!




What do I need to reach my dream?

You need the right pieces, the right tools. Many people fail simply because they're just not using the right tools. 

I'll give you an example... 

Before I started on Shopify, I released a product to an email list of over 35,000 and it bombed. I sold 3 copies. 😭

Total failure! 

I put that SAME product on Shopify a few weeks later and got 52 sales! 🥳

The only difference I made between 3 sales and 52 sales was the PLATFORM I used to sell the item on.

Shopify got me 52 sales in that first baby launch!

That's when everything changed for me. It was all about the platform and setting it up in a way that would GET SALES!

Because what's the point of getting traffic to your site, if when they GET THERE, they DO...NOT...BUY!

That first month on Shopify, I ended up making an insane amount of money ($52,060)!

It's been absolutely crazy!

For a girl who used to be homeless...for a girl who used to survive on only $18k/year with 2 kids to support after my ex-husband abandoned me. That girl now makes multi-millions/year in her Shopify store! I just couldn't believe it. 😮

And the truth is, there are many people out there making FANTASTIC money online and you'd never even know it!

They're not out there blowing trumpets and pushing sales to everyone they know. They're out there playing with their kids and spending time with their husband, enjoying life, because they have systems set up that make them money without being strapped to their computer. 

You need to LEAD your potential customers where you want them to go. No matter if it's in a chat with Shopify themselves 😀 or people who come to your store looking for a product.

But how do you do that?

How do you set up a Shopify store that actually converts? That actually GETS the sale? ask someone who's been in e-commerce for 25+ years!

Me. 💯

Whenever you want the job done right, you go to the one with the most experience. I dare you to find online, anyone who has as many years in the game as me.

I can do this in my sleep! It's CAKE!

And I'm not stingy. There's plenty of pie to go around and I'll show you how to do the exact same system I have developed, perfected, and use every single day to make an honest living from home (without sacrificing a ton of my time or God's precious Word to do it!) 💎

Then it happened...

About a year ago, God convicted my heart (I'm gonna cry). I was looking around at other courses and I see the scam.

They get you to buy their course and sell it with a bunch of smoke and mirrors, making you think it'll work for you, making you think it's a solution to your problem (holding back tears), but the truth is, that you get in there and they give you JUST ENOUGH...the most smallest amount of information they CAN so that they can then, very sneakily, sell you on more personalized coaching.

More personalized coaching could look like a conference or spend the day with them in their home for $15k or another coaching package or an exclusive Facebook group or further training.

So that the jist of it looks like this:

Free webinar to wet your appetite with one good jewel in it to make you believe they know what they're talking about and can solve your problem -> You get on their email list -> They pitch you an upsell or a course pretty quickly after -> You buy a course that gives you enough for today ("give a man a fish" mentality) -> You have to keep buying MORE FISH (they get more of your money)!!!! And they try to sell you a coaching program that costs way more than you can afford.

It was in that moment that God spoke straight to my heart. He convicted me that He didn't want me to be a lady who "gives a man a fish", He wants me to TEACH people HOW to fish.

The saying popped into my mind, "Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime."

My JOB...tears, to GOD, the almighty LIVING GOD (!!!), my REQUIREMENT to HIM, is that I TEACH YOU HOW TO FISH!!!!

I'm not here to give you a fish and satisfy you today and keep selling you fish so I can keep getting your money.

I'm here to open up an entirely NEW PATH, a new chapter in your life, so that you can learn HOW to fish. You'll learn HOW I do what I do and why I do it. Not, hey here's some cool printables, make these.

I WANT YOU (so desperately in my heart) to succeed. Tears. I WANT YOU to have the life you dream of. To have everything you want because you deserve it. We only get one life, just one, and if you can do something FROM HOME, where you don't have to leave your kids, and do something you love and are passionate about, WHILE making money, that's the life I want to help you create.

That's my purpose here on Earth. That's literally why God put me here.

It's why I've been through (tears) SOOO much in my life. Homeless, abandoned, everything. It was all to lead me HERE, right now, to teach you how to have a life others dream about. To give you a better life. One where you can be happy and not have to ever worry about finances ever again!

I want to give you that life. I want you to have it. Because life isn't about making money or having a lot of it, even though I do, it's about family, and friends, and being happy. Living the life YOU want and not being bound...shackled even, to a dollar amount.

I want to give you FREEDOM.

Freedom to travel, to build that college fund for your kids, to save for retirement, to buy a car or large purchase with cash. I want to give you that life because anyone who works hard enough to set up that kind of life, CAN have it.

I worked hard to get to where I am. No, setting up an empire on Shopify isn't easy. It takes a lot of work. But when you get things set up, it IS passive. You get sales while you sleep.

I have TIME to create courses and spend time with my family and do all the things I love to do in life BECAUSE I make passive income. I want to have freedom over my time and if you're reading this, I'm SURE you do too!

That's how this course is different. It's made with LOVE, as is everything I do. It's made from a passionate place in my heart, with a desire for you to truly succeed. To not hide from you all my secret tricks, but to teach you HOW to fish so that you can have that life you dream of.


🎉  Join over 263,482 lives touched by Sarah Titus paid products!


• You genuinely want to help others with your work. If you're JUST in it for the money, there's the door.

• You love your family and don't wanna live your life online! I'm not here to teach you how to work 50-60 hours a week and have a team of 20+ people. I'm here to teach you how to be strategic with your time, set things up on autopilot so you can have a life outside a screen and make MORE money than those working their lives away.

 You're not offended by God. God is the center of my entire world, His precepts are my foundation, so if He offends you, nothing I do would be a good fit for you.

 You truly care about other people's success and betterment. You're not just here to sell them something, but provide a real and lasting solution. As a Christian, we answer to God for how we treat (and sell to) others. If you don't have integrity or are willing to compromise, you won't like my strategies. 

• You're willing to put in the work. There are no shortcuts to being #1. You are going to need to hustle at first to set everything up in order to get things to an autopilot place, then, you can scale up financially, and scale back time-wise.

• You're in it for the long haul. This isn't some fly-by-night situation, take someone's money and run. You're building an empire that is sustainable and long-lasting.

• You're tired of other people controlling your life. Their rules, their regulations, their way. None of it ever lines up with God's precepts and so it just doesn't "feel right" inside. You'll create your shop on your OWN terms using your OWN strategy and your own passions and strengths. Since it's the right path for YOU, you'll enjoy the process and be much happier working your business. 

You want...

You can make money online, but you're going to work your whole life away doing it. That's the thing all the "gurus" aren't telling you. 👈

I wanted a better way. A way I didn't have to run on a hamster wheel every day or do sleazy tactics to win.

So, I started creating my own products and systematized everything. I have full control over every aspect and can work as little or as much as I want.

In the past few years I've had my Shopify store selling my own products, I've made 8 figures 😮 (God is good!!) My methods do not include running any Facebook ads or doing any paid advertising.

I've been making money online now for 25+ years. I've seen it all, done all the legit stuff. If you're looking for an honest ❤️ Christ-centered way to make money online, this is, hands down, the BEST way to do that!!

This course includes EVERYTHING you need to rock sales online, from start to finish!


Your Shopify store is like an empire you're creating. You CANNOT just slap up some two by fours and expect to have a solid structure to build on. You absolutely MUST build it in the right way.

There's a lot of decisions you'll need to make. A lot of things you'll need to know how to set up. Things that work, things that don't. You'll need to know all that.

This course is like a roadmap, a blueprint if you will, to building your own empire on Shopify.

Without it, you won't make nearly as much as you will if you have all your ducks in a row. After completing this course, you will have a solid foundation in which to build your products around.

And heads up, most all of your peer won't take the time to set all this up in the right way, so if you DO, you're light years ahead of them and YOU get all the sales they miss out on!!!


So, how does it work exactly?

Imagine just ONE of your products sells to 26,558 people! 

Even if you sold that product for $1, you'd make a small fortune! 

Now imagine you had 10 products and the other products are getting 11,000 sales here, 5,000 sales there. Even at $1 a piece, you'd be rich! 

That's what's happening!! Every single day, sales are going through whether I'm awake or asleep and I'm not doing anything NEW to them. It's a product I created like 4 years ago! Talk about residual income!!!

I tell you, I have the best job in the world. Nothing else can ever compare to it. I get to be wholly and fully myself, bringing beauty to others, AND pay all my bills at the same time.

No more hurting for money as a single mom. No more telling my kids they can't have something at the store. No more fighting and busting my butt to earn an income on my own to make my family's life better.

The best part is if I want more income, all I have to do is simply turn on my computer, create a new printable, put it in my Shopify store, and tell others I put it in there. It's amazing. It's one of the coolest things EVER.

It means SO much to me. This path that God brought me on. A path to create my dream and now teach others how to do the same thing. How to create printables and make a business out of it!

Ohhhhh you're gonna love it!

You're gonna fall in love with printables just as I did. I know you will.

But as the story goes, if you want to sell printables online, working in programs like Canva, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. just won't do.

Many of your customers have low-grade, basic printers and all your breathtakingly beautiful work will just come out blurry! E-gads!!!

Then they will get mad at you, spread the word, and never come back.

Before you even get your store OFF THE GROUND, you fail because you shot yourself in the foot.

While you can get away with low-quality programs if you're giving printables away for free, if you're wanting to make some serious money on printables and really get your creations into the hands of a lot of people and bring them joy, your printables need to be HIGH-QUALITY and professional, no exceptions!

Believe me, your customers WILL notice:


👉 Get these amazing bonuses to keep your costs down and get you started right away! 

If You Add It All Up, That's A $11,848 Total Value! 😮

  • Million Dollar Shop® ($1,997 value)
  • How to Create Printables - Adobe Illustrator ($1,397 value)
  • How to Create Printables - Photoshop Elements ($997 value)
  • Top 13 Things to Sell in Shopify (That Make the Most Money) ($497 value)
  • Honest Bloggers Academy® ($1,997 value)
  • How to Make Money From Home ($697 value)
  • Running on Autopilot ($697 value)
  • Sky High Rocket Newsletters ($697 value)
  • Business Secrets You'll Fall in Love With ($497 value)
  • Bonuses ($2,375 value)

But you can get inside for...👇






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