Thank you so much for being a valued customer and supporting our business throughout the years! 🥰
Over the last 10 years, I’ve helped millions of women learn how to save and make money online and it’s been a true source of joy in my life. I loved watching ladies go from making nothing to making a real empire in their businesses and it was great.
However, as I have rebranded and gone in a different direction now, Million Dollar Shop® just didn’t seem to “fit in” with the new direction and so it was announced earlier this year, that MDS would be retiring all of its products.
There are a lot of new and exciting things coming up for the Sarah Titus brand and printables shop, but the courses part of the brand (MDS) is now closed permanently.
I hope you will continue to learn and grow along with us, as we seek to glorify God in all we do (1 Corinthians 10:31) and to teach exactly what God wants me to teach from a humble heart, constantly lining all our minds, souls, and hearts up to His.
❤️ Sarah